i don't know why but the 2nd picture is like not really attractive to me. i think something wrong with the expression but the idea to have her sit inside so-called bowl or something was interesting. i like the way the girl at first pic glance to the cam but the background is not so contrast with the hair. and i like the walking shoes..hahaha..
by the way, i just talking crap from my point of view..hahha.. pardon me if i say anything wrong..^^
poeta, cronista, romancista, roteirista, diretor de cinema, dramaturgo, fotógrafo, cenógrafo, músico, ator, pai, cozinheiro, assaltante com graduação, barman, consumidor de erva, cafetão, motorista de ônibus, cobrador, atendente de telemarketing, jornaleiro, jornalista, padeiro, ferreiro, pedreiro, padre, vendedor de bala, traficante, entrevistador, pesquisador, analista de sistemas, recepcionista, médico, advogado, "pokemon de Jesus", um boneco de fantoche - um turista.
Um comentário:
i don't know why but the 2nd picture is like not really attractive to me. i think something wrong with the expression but the idea to have her sit inside so-called bowl or something was interesting. i like the way the girl at first pic glance to the cam but the background is not so contrast with the hair. and i like the walking shoes..hahaha..
by the way, i just talking crap from my point of view..hahha.. pardon me if i say anything wrong..^^
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